perm filename HAND9[224,DBL] blob sn#104023 filedate 1974-05-29 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	CS224   Handout #9          Thursday, May 30, 1974
00300	1. There will be a special CS224 guided tour of the AI lab
00400	this Monday evening, June 3, at 6:30 PM.  The director of the
00500	lab, and some researchers, will conduct you through the
00600	building.  Highlights:  See the hand drop something;
00700	Talk to PARRY (Colby's system) and see if you can get
00800	it to punch you in the nose; Observe some of the people you've
00900	read about in their natural habitat.
01000	If you need a ride, or can offer someone a ride, stop by at the
01100	end of this class.  The AI Lab is gotten to as follows:  take Page
01200	Mill road West; just after passing Route 280, you come to
01300	Arastrodero Road; make a right and continue on for a few
01400	minutes; the "DC Power Lab Building" will be up on a hill on your
01500	right.  Turn right, go up the steep hill, and the AI lab is the
01600	second big building you pass on your left (lots of cars parked
01700	in front).
02000	2. Administrative
02100	This homework set is the last one. If you've skipped any assignments,
02200	you are in danger of receiving a poor grade; we strongly suggest that
02300	you spend a few minutes and try (and turn in) each homework.  There
02400	is no penalty for lateness.  Here is a class list; an asterisk
02500	denotes that the corresponding homework has been turned in,
02600	graded, and returned. Check these and report any disagreements
02700	quickly (this is correct up to May 27, and doesnt include
02800	homeworks turned in later than that date). Also check the column
02900	indicating that you are taking CS224 for a grade(G), for
03000	Pass/No Credit (P), or Auditing it (A).
03200	All homework must be in by 5 PM, Monday, June 10, 1974. No exceptions!
03400	Although there is no class Thursday, June 6,  the TA will have
03500	(final) office hours that day, from noon to 3 PM, in Polya 263.